i'm at the southern coterie summit in charleston. i love this town. and these ladies. what a conference - they feed you about every 30 minutes. take a sip of something, you've been sitting too long. no other conference will ever be the same. i highly suggest you sign up early for the next - it's just super inspiring, majorly delicious, full of talented folks and more fun than i need to be having.
and shep hugs on me -- just life. (at leapfrog PR and novel's amazing new office)
now, some housekeeping. the pop up shop is going one more day due to popular demand, natural disasters (deluge in the low country), and our obsession with charleston. we're at 1630 meeting street from 9 - 2 today. there are approximately 1.4 palm leaf pillows left and a tangled up tassel necklace. go get you one.
additionally, i was at a fashion conference in dallas, and i have a lot to share with you on that front, just let me get my mess together, and we'll talk. i promise.
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