everyone seems to be on vacay these days, and we all love to see a pretty packing pic, so let's check out what some of my favorite ladies are rounding up for resort. i'll feature more of these over the next few days!
my ever-stylish friend quinn is lounging around at the dunmore on harbor island as we speak. looks like she's doing it in style.

striped embroidered tunic // pink kaftan // neon embroidered popover // tassel necklace // leopard sunglasses // flip flops // bikini // black cutout dress // book // boyfriend shorts
plus a few snaps from her vista

and jessica why-don't-i-just-buy-another-coverup swaney hit up the turks & caicos. she loves a bold print and a beach bag

dress (similar) // necklace // neon embroidered coverup // leather bag - zara // hat // embroidered tunic // maxi dress // clutch // blouse // shorts // necklace // birks // carry-on bag
her point of view

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