Monday, July 1, 2013

cali forn ia

Posted by daa at 4:30 AM
brian meares and i just got back from california. we went to a wedding of a college friend in santa barbara (which may be the most perfect spot to get married) and then we drove up the coast and spent a few days in big sur. IMG_3805

the tibi dress worked out fine with the zara shoes.  sleeves here, sleeveless version available hereUntitled

a rare three schnauzie morning captured on state street

colorful buoys on the santa monica wharf

we were lucky to catch the solstice parade on state street - these cute little girls were selling eggs full of confetti Untitled

a handsome groomsman (succulents for boutineers - clever)Untitled

the reception was on top of a mountain at a gorgeous venue, eilings park Untitled

onto big sur, where we stayed at the amazing ventana inn -- the path to our room was lined with lavender Untitled

there was a lot of time spent in this hammock on our deck overlooking the pacific Untitled

and in these two chairs in the meadow Untitled

outstanding in a field (i am) Untitled

they aren't kidding about the big trees Untitled

a few of our favorite eats, big sur bakery, deetjen's big sur inn, and nepentheUntitled

when we weren't eating (which wasn't often) we hiked to find waterfalls IMG_3818

and the sunset over la leaving on the red eye to come home Untitled


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