Monday, October 1, 2012

good morning campers.

Posted by daa at 8:16 AM
hey hey hey
(that's a fat albert voice)

what's up with yal? it's october. it's time for pumpkins on the porch. mums on the mummeranda. and scarves and tall boots on the bloggers. welcome.  on this rainy morning i'm camped out at my local coffee/breakfast burrito filling station trying to get some work done. this usually means about a 5 hour free for all on the internet that starts with me intending to answer emails, then venturing off to look at a new online magazine, then clicking out and spotting an item in a shop i need, and then deciding i want to make something inspired by it, then i'm on ebay then i end up on a blog looking at door knockers and then i bought some jeans on shopbop...what?

it's difficult to concentrate with so much good stuff happening on the interwebs these days. speaking of, i cleaned up my blog roll yesterday (i read all of my blogs with google reader's RSS feed). i deleted some old dinosaurs that i finally looked at critically and said what are they really blogging about anyway??... there's a photo of a model on a boat and you're asking me if i want to be on a boat?, ...and that's the post?

 i added some new finds that i think you'd enjoy such as

(click images for blog links)

and here's a nugget for you: if you're tired of seeing the same stuff on blogs, stop reading so many. you don't buy every shelter magazine at barnes and noble. you read the ones you connect with, that you enjoy their voice, and relate to and are inspired by their perspective. i think 10 blogs is a good number to visit regularly, and if you can do less, than we'll just call you the anna wintour of editing down. but really folks, of course you're going to find overlap and redundancies when you read 50eleven blogs all day long. edit. edit. edit. then be happier. or hey! start your own! i'd love a new crop of fresh voices.

izzie feels the same way.


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